Danish Vetenary and Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen)
Accofluor is regularly audited by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to assure that applicable laws and regulations are adhered to. Accofluor has consistently received the highest rating.
We are able to provide you with a large number of different compliance documents, with analyzed results made for each specific material. These documents are based on the processes at Accofluor and information from our supplier of raw materials. Accofluor compresses and anneals the compounds according to the supplier’s recommendations, and manufactures parts without adding ingredients or using agents/coolants.
All available food grade materials are in compliance with the following Danish regulations:
- The Danish Consolidated Food Act No. 250 of 8 March 2013
- Lovbekendtgørelse om fødevarer nr. 250 af 8. Marts 2013
- Danish Ministerial Order No. 822 of 26 June 2013 on food contact materials
- Bekendtgørelse nr. 822 af 26. Juni 2013 om fødevarekontaktmaterialer